NEW FEATURES * Added a new Practice Mode which starts the game with max stats. * Skills now unlock after you’ve invested a certain number of points into that skill tree, rather than based on your overall mutation level. * Your max hitpoints, max mana and max sprint are now based on how many physical, mental and cybernetic skills you’ve unlocked rather than your overall mutation. * Synergies for skills have been changed so that every 10 levels you only get 1 skill point that you can manually invest into a skill of your choosing. This extra point will allow you to go beyond level 10. SKILL TWEAKS: * Shield is now called Static Shield, unlocks at level 0 and is passive. It activates as long as you stand still without shooting for X seconds. * Force Fields now unlock at level 10 and only gain 20hp per level instead of 25. * Bouncing Bullets now unlock at level 20 and start faster with worse steering at low levels but by level 10 move slower than before but with better steering. * Frenzy now unlocks at level 0 and is active. Upon activation it gives you an initial ROF boost of 10 to 20% (based on level). The rate of fire increase per level has been reduced. The duration has been increased. Once activated it acts as before, resetting upon each successful hit allowing you to keep the combo alive. * Weapon Handling has been moved to level 10, requires Frenzy as a prerequisite and is only in affect when Frenzy is active. The Recoil bonus has been improved from 5% per level to 7.5% per level. The bullet speed bonus has been removed entirely. * Clip Magnet is now a passive skill linking on from Weapon Handling. It’s only in affect when Frenzy is active. Instead of stealing in an area around you it has a chance to steal a number of bullets whenever you hit someone. 20% to 40% of the time it steals 1 to 6 bullets. * Radiate now unlocks at level 0 and no longer damages you. Instead it creates a radiation field that lasts for 3 seconds and deals damage over time to enemies that walk through it. * Kamikaze has been removed from the game. A new passive skill called Stagnation has been added to the Physical tree at level 10 linking on from Radiate. It slows down any enemies walking through your radiation field. * Bullet Rupture is now called Rupture and it only triggers when someone is killed by Radiate or Rupture. It is more accurate to compensate. * Regeneration now starts at 0.5hp/s instead of 1hp/s. * Dash only improves your speed by 5% per level instead of 6%. * Venom Shot now only starts at 5.5hp/s instead of 7.5hp/s. * Critical Shot only increases by 3% per level instead of 3.5%. * Thunder Jump improves the explosion range per level per meter fallen by 0.1 instead of 0.08. * Darkness now improves by 0.05s per level instead of 0.04s. * Blade Fury only costs 20 energy instead of 30. * Infection has been drastically changed to leave trails instead of having a large area around you. Levelling up the skill will increase the trail duration. * Vampirism now starts at 5% instead of 10%. * Mana Drain now increases by 1% instead of 1.5%. * E-Bomb now has a mana cost of 20s instead of 25s and a recharge time of 20s instead of 5s. * Energize mana cost is now 30 mana instead of 10. * Bullet Time has a lot of tweaking and has a smaller range, longer duration, slower bullets, and recharges faster. * SlowMo Speedup now increases by 4% per level instead of 3%. * Stolen Seekers is now a passive skill that works with Bullet Time and links on from SlowMo SpeedUp at level 20. It automatically triggers as soon as you catch enough enemy bullets within your Bullet Time. * Plasma Ball now takes 5s to recharge instead of 3s and has a mana cost of 25 instead of 20. It’s base splash range is improved from 1.5m to 2m. * Splash Damage has a smaller range increase per level. WEAPON TWEAKS: * All weapons now have a new attribute called movementRecoil which determins how inaccurate the weapon is while moving. This takes the place of the size attribute. * Pistols, SMGs and Shotguns have low movementRecoil (lower than before), Rifles have medium movementRecoil (about the same), and Machine Guns have high movementRecoil (higher than before). The PSG-1 has high movementRecoil and the M24 has low movementRecoil. * Flash Bang explosion radius is now 25m instead of 20m. * Bazooka explosion radius is now 5m instead of 6m. * PSG-1 recoil is now 2 instead of 10. BUG FIXES: * Made some huge improvements to the netcode for bullet and player motion. * Fixed a few bugs with the auto updater.Список изменений
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